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The Rewired Sanctuary 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
A self-help program to help you get maximum benefit from Rewired for Sleep.
Follow a daily Sleep guide with audio meditations, exercises, tasks, acupoints and worksheets to help you sleep.
Keeping a journal is key to maintaining focus on your goal. Starting with Week One, Day 1, the program provides you with daily actions and journal prompts based on Rewired for Sleep. There’s a day template you can download. Use it, and begin your record-keeping to create your own method for sleeping.
By the time you finish the program, the tools from the book and the resources on the site will provide you with a template for sleep. You’ll have learned how to rewire your brain using effective acupressure, anti-anxiety breathing techniques, and other methods that are meant to serve you well, now and for the rest of your life,
Take a guided tour through the Rewired collection...and notice the changes that take place in you.
As you separate the symptoms of insomnia, you'll learn to repair each one.
Using Daniel’s own recordings for Guided Meditation and Relaxation from Rewired for Sleep, you can take charge of your mind, and your sleep, on a nightly basis. Record your reactions and results in your Sleep Journal, and you’ll have the makings of a method that helps you sleep on a consistent basis.
Free MP3 downloads are available to signed-in Rewirers, so that you can carry your personal favorites with you to use whenever you feel the need. Member privileges also include special discounts on Blue Phoenix Music tracks and albums.
In Rewired for Sleep, Daniel R. Bernstein shows the reader effective approaches to altering mindsets. Along the way he uses modern techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuroplasticity, while tapping ancient ones from Egypt, India and China.
The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program is your guide to structured exercises and interesting tools for self-repair. Discover the benefits of these groundbreaking therapeutic techniques, and finally gain access to the resources within yourself that help you sleep in a way that nourishes you.
Learn to recognize and change the game your inner insomniac is playing.
Discover the building blocks for a simple, personal plan that you can stick to.
As your Sleep Journal develops, you’ll be able to record your impressions of the various exercises and create your own list of personal favorites to refer to when you need them.
Out of these, you will be able to create a nightly routine that suits your personal Sleep profile and lifestyle. You’ll collect issue-specific acupressure points and herbal remedies that address your sleep issue. By the end of the Program, you’ll be sleeping better, be better equipped to handle mental disruption, and get what you deserve: a good night’s rest.
Are you ready for a deep dive into restful, healthy sleep?
The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program is free to use, your only commitment is to yourself and your health and happiness…