Meet the Author
Daniel R Bernstein L. Ac. CH
Licensed Acupuncturist, Medical Hypnotist, author of Rewired for Sleep and creator of the 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
Rewired for Sleep: The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
By Daniel R Bernstein L. Ac. CH
Find out more about Daniel Bernstein’s breakthrough book about Sleep. Buy your copy and and learn how to get the best from The Rewired Sanctuary and The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
Rewired Resources
Many of the exercises, meditations and trance inductions featured in Rewired for Sleep have been created in audio-visual formats here on the website. The Rewired Sanctuary is an online companion resource to the book. It includes a growing library of exclusive resources as well as The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program. Membership is free for all to explore. For fast relief techniques, look to the Rewired Explorer’s dashboard. To go deeper, The Rewired Sanctuary will help you to develop a personal ongoing program to conquer your insomnia gently, naturally and for good.
The Five, Five, Five
Let’s be honest. One of the major barriers to sleep is all of that mental garbage swirling around in your brain. The good news? The Five, Five, Five Exercise uses three simple tools to help you get rid of the unnecessary sludge. More important, this exercise shows you how to replace a negative thought with a positive one. It may sound almost too easy. But with a bit of practice, you’ll find you can use the 5, 5 and 5 any time you want to regain control of your thoughts.
You can find out more about how I use The Five, Five, Five with my patients in the book.
Watch Daniel guide you through the Five, Five, Five.

The Five, Five, Five
Exercise 3: The Five, Five, and Five
An extract from the book Rewired for Sleep by Daniel R. Bernstein to accompany the demo video at https://www.rewiredforsleep.com/the-five-five-five//
The Five, Five, Five is a simple, calming exercise designed to help you to control anxious and negative thoughts that keep you awake.
1. Take three deep breaths. On the first breath, let your shoulders slump down. On the second breath, clench and then unclench your jaw. On the third breath, close your eyes for five minutes.
As you breathe rhythmically, imagine a calming image, such as an awesome sunrise, or a tree with roots that nourish you. Or, you can create your own image (V, K).
2. For five minutes, focus on a positive word, such as “Easy,” or “Comfort.” Don’t worry if your mind wanders, that’s natural. Return to the word you’ve chosen (A).
3. For five minutes, jot down whatever comes to mind without judgment, letting your hand go. If an image, feeling, or thought you’re not “proud of” comes up, keep writing (A, K).