Meet the Author
Daniel R Bernstein L. Ac. CH
Licensed Acupuncturist, Medical Hypnotist, author of Rewired for Sleep and creator of the 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
Rewired for Sleep: The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
By Daniel R Bernstein L. Ac. CH
Find out more about Daniel Bernstein’s breakthrough book about Sleep. Buy your copy and and learn how to get the best from The Rewired Sanctuary and The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program
Rewired Resources
Many of the exercises, meditations and trance inductions featured in Rewired for Sleep have been created in audio-visual formats here on the website. The Rewired Sanctuary is an online companion resource to the book. It includes a growing library of exclusive resources as well as The 28-Day Insomnia Repair Program. Membership is free for all to explore. For fast relief techniques, look to the Rewired Explorer’s dashboard. To go deeper, The Rewired Sanctuary will help you to develop a personal ongoing program to conquer your insomnia gently, naturally and for good.
The Staircase
Here is something people with insomnia know: the sleepless mind tends to rev up its engines at night, when it’s time to sleep. Let’s assume you want to avoid taking sleep aids. What to do? The Staircase is just one of many effective ways to give the mind a focus point that, paradoxically, helps it relax so you may find your way to sleep. Start with the “Five, Five and Five” exercise beforehand, add the Lake or Beach Meditation, and you may find yourself drifting. The Staircase is an exercise from Rewired for Sleep: The 28 Day Insomnia Repair Manual.Â
If you are keeping a bedside sleep journal, you may like to download this exercise to print:
Listen to The Staircase Exercise
The Staircase
Take a deep breath in, hold it, and as you let it out, let your eyes relax. Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, close your eyes.
In a moment, you’ll descend a staircase, and as you do so, you’ll start counting from ten down to one. For the first five steps, imagine you’re opening your eyes and then closing them. As you inhale, open them, and close them on the exhale.
Breathe gently. It’s easy once you get into the rhythm of it: inhale and imagine you’re opening your eyes, exhale and close.
See yourself at the top of a set of stairs. They might be made of wood, or stone, or metal, or some other material. There might be a handrail, and it might be ornate or simple. There are ten steps, and you’re standing at the top, looking down.
Inhale, and as you land on a step, exhale and imagine a wave of relaxation rolling down your body. Inhale and take another step down.
Starting at Ten, eyes open, inhale. As you go down to step
Nine, exhale and close your eyes, and feel that wave of relaxation.
Open eyes and another breath in. As you go down to
Eight, close your eyes and exhale. Feel another wave of relaxation.
Open your eyes, and breathe in. As you go down to
Seven, breathe out and close your eyes. See the wave of relaxation.
Six. Eyes open, breathe in, and on the out breath, close your eyes, down to
Five. More relaxed now, and with your next three, relaxing breaths, experience a wave of relaxation from the top of your head, down to the tips of your toes, and beyond. Down to
Four. Breathing comfortably now, deeply relaxed, down to
Three. Breathing in, and out. And inhale. Stepping down to
Two, and breathe out. As you get to
One. At the bottom of stairs, you’ll see a door before you. Notice the color of the door. Notice whether it pulls in or pushes out.
Open the door and enter your special place.
This exercise is from the book Rewired for Sleep by Daniel R. Bernstein, L. Ac., CH published by Aconagua Press, 2019.
All materials are copyright and can only be reproduced with permission from the author.